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Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 42

There was a general disturbance 1. Flanagan and two or three more went on to the music-hall, while Philip walked slowly with Clutton and Lawson to the Closerie des Lilas., ,'You must go to the Gaite Montparnasse,' said Lawson to him. 'It's one of the loveliest things in Paris. I'm going to paint it one of these days.', ,Philip, influenced by Hayward, looked upon music-halls with scornful eyes, but he had reached Paris at a time when their artistic 2 possibilities were just discovered. The peculiarities 3 of lighting 4, the masses of dingy 5 red and tarnished 6 gold, the heaviness of the shadows and the decorative 7 lines, offered a new theme; and half the studios in the Quarter contained sketches 8 made in one or other of the local theatres. Men of letters, following in the painters' wake, conspired 9 suddenly to find artistic value in the turns; and red-nosed comedians 10 were lauded 11 to the skies for their sense of character; fat female singers, who had bawled 12 obscurely for twenty years, were discovered to possess inimitable drollery 13; there were those who found an aesthetic 14 delight in performing dogs; while others exhausted 15 their vocabulary to extol 16 the distinction of conjurers and trick-cyclists. The crowd too, under another influence, was become an object of sympathetic interest. With Hayward, Philip had disdained 17 humanity in the mass; he adopted the attitude of one who wraps himself in solitariness 18 and watches with disgust the antics of the vulgar; but Clutton and Lawson talked of the multitude with enthusiasm. They described the seething 19 throng 20 that filled the various fairs of Paris, the sea of faces, half seen in the glare of acetylene, half hidden in the darkness, and the blare of trumpets 21, the hooting 22 of whistles, the hum of voices. What they said was new and strange to Philip. They told him about Cronshaw., , ,'No,' said Philip., ,'It came out in The Yellow Book.', ,You can work in here without any disturbance.在这儿你可不受任何干扰地工作 。,The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.这屏风上的画是件很好的艺术品 。
