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培根美文赏析-of travel 论 旅 行

培根美文赏析-of travel 论 旅 行
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-09-14 08:06 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

TRAVEL, in the younger sort, is a part of education, in the elder, a part of experience.  He that travelleth into a country, before he hath some entrance into the language, goeth to school, and not to travel.  That young men travel under some tutor, or grave servant, I allow well; so that he be such a one that hath the language, and hath been in the country before; whereby he may be able to tell them what things are worthy1 to be seen, in the country where they go; what acquaintances they are to seek; what exercises, or discipline, the place yieldeth.  For else, young men shall go hooded2, and look abroad little.  It is a strange thing, that in sea voyages, where there is nothing to be seen, but sky and sea, men should make diaries; but in land-travel, wherein so much is to be observed, for the most part they omit it; as if chance were fitter to be registered, than observation.  Let diaries, therefore, be brought in use.  The things to be seen and observed are: the courts of princes, especially when they give audience to ambassadors; the courts of justice, while they sit and hear causes; and so of consistories ecclesiastic3; the churches and monasteries4, with the monuments which are therein extant; the walls and fortifications of cities, and towns, and so the heavens and harbors; antiquities5 and ruins; libraries; colleges, disputations, and lectures, where any are; shipping6 and navies; houses and gardens of state and pleasure, near great cities; armories7; arsenals8; magazines; exchanges; burses; warehouses9; exercises of horsemanship, fencing, training of soldiers, and the like; comedies, such whereunto the better sort of persons do resort; treasuries10 of jewels and robes; cabinets and rarities; and, to conclude, whatsoever11 is memorable12, in the places where they go.  After all which, the tutors, or servants, ought to make diligent13 inquiry14.  As for triumphs, masks, feasts, weddings, funerals, capital executions, and such shows, men need not to be put in mind of them; yet are they not to be neglected.  If you will have a young man to put his travel into a little room, and in short time to gather much, this you must do.  First, as was said, he must have some entrance into the language before he goeth.  Then he must have such a servant, or tutor, as knoweth the country, as was likewise said.  Let him carry  with him also, some card or book, describing the country where he travelleth; which will be a good key to his inquiry.  Let him keep also a diary.  Let him not stay long, in one city or town; more or less as the place deserveth, but not long; nay15, when he stayeth in one city or town, let him change his lodging16 from one end and part of the town, to another; which is a great adamant17 of acquaintance. Let him sequester18 himself, from the company of his countrymen, and diet in such places, where there is good company of the nation where he travelleth.  Let him, upon his removes from one place to another, procure19 recommendation to some person of quality, residing in the place whither he removeth; that he may use his favor, in those things he desireth to see or know.  Thus he may abridge20 his travel, with much profit.  As for the acquaintance, which is to be sought in travel; that which is most of all profitable, is acquaintance with the secretaries and employed men of ambassadors: for so in travelling in one country, he shall suck the experience of many.  Let him also see, and visit, eminent21 persons in all kinds, which are of great name abroad; that he may be able to tell, how the life agreeth with the fame.  For quarrels, they are with care and discretion22 to be avoided. They are commonly for mistresses, healths, place, and words.  And let a man beware,  how he keepeth company with choleric23 and quarrelsome persons; for they will engage him into their own quarrels. When a traveller returneth home, let him not leave the countries, where he hath travelled, altogether behind him; but maintain a correspondence by letters, with those of his acquaintance ,which are of most worth.  And let his travel appear rather in his discourse24, than his apparel or gesture; and in his discourse, let him be rather advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories; and let it appear that he doth not change his country manners, for those of foreign parts; but only prick25 in some flowers, of that he hath learned abroad, into the customs of his own country.

 远游于年少者乃教育之一部分,于年长者则为经验之一部分。未习一国之语言而去该国 ,那与其说是去旅游,不如说是去求学 。余赞成年少者游异邦须有一私家教师或老成持重的仆人随行,但随行者须通该邦语言并去过该邦 ,这样他便可告知主人在所去国度有何事当看,有何人当交,有何等运动可习 ,或有何等学问可得,不然年少者将犹如雾中看花,虽远游他邦但所见甚少。远游者有一怪习 ,当其航行于大诲,除水天之外别无他景可看之时,他们往往会大写日记 ,但当其漫游于大陆 ,有诸多景象可观之时,他们却往往疏于着墨,仿佛偶然之所见比刻意之观察更适于记载似的。所以写日记得养成习惯 。远游者在所游国度应观其是家宫廷 ,尤其当遇到君王们接见各国使节的时候;应观其讼庭法院,尤其当遇到法官开庭审案之时;还应观各派教会举行的宗教会议;观各教堂寺院及其中的历史古迹;现各城镇之墙垣及堡垒要塞;观码头和海港、遗迹和废墟;现书楼和学校以及偶遇的答辩和演讲;现该国的航运船舶和海军舰队;观都市近郊壮美的建筑和花园;观军械库、大仓房 、交易所和基金会;观马术、击剑、兵训及诸如此类的操演;观当地上流人士趋之若骛的戏剧;观珠宝服饰和各类珍奇标本。一言以蔽之,应观看所到之处一切值得记忆的风光名胜和礼仪习俗 ,反正打探上述去处应是随行的那名私家教师或贴身随从的事。至于庆祝大典 、化装舞会、琼筵盛宴、婚礼葬礼以及行刑等热闹场面,游者倒不必过分注意,但也不应视而不见 。若要让一名年少者在短期内游一小国且要受益甚多 ,那就必须让他做到以下几点;首先他必须如前文所述在动身前已略知该国语言;其次他必须有一名上文所说的那种熟悉该国的私家教师或随从;其三他得带若干介绍该国的书籍地图以资随时查阅释疑;他还必须坚持天天写日记;他不可在一城一镇久居,时间长短可视地方而定,但不宜太久;当居于某城某镇时 ,他须在该城不同地域变换位处,以便吸引更多人相识;他得使自己不与本国同胞交往,而且应在可结交当地朋友的地方用餐;当从一地迁往另一地时 ,他须设法获得写给另一地某位上流人物的推荐信 ,以便在他想见识或了解某些事时可得到那人的帮助。只要做到上述各点,他就能在短期游历中受益良多。至于在旅行中当与何等人相交相识,余以为最值得结识者莫过于各国使节的秘书雇员之类 ,这样在一国旅行者亦可获得游多国之体验 。游人在所游之地亦应去拜望各类名扬天下的卓越人物,如此便有可能看出那些大活人在多大程度上与其名声相符。旅行中务必谨言慎行以免引起争吵,须知引发争吵的事由多是为情人 、饮酒、座次或出言不逊。游人与易怒好争者结伴时尤须当心 ,因为后者可能把游人也扯进他们自己的争吵 。远游者归国返乡后,不可将曾游历过的国家抛到九霄云外,而应该与那些新结识且值得结识的友人保持通信 。他还须注意 ,与其让自己的远游经历反映在衣着或举止上,不如让其反映在言谈之中;但在谈及自己的旅行时,最好是谨慎答问 ,别急于津津乐道。他还须注意,勿显得因游过异国他邦就改变了自己本国的某些习惯,而应该让人觉得自己是把在国外学到的某些最好的东西融进了本国的习俗。


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1 worthy     
adj.(of)值得的 ,配得上的;有价值的
  • I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖 。
  • There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.没有值得一提的事发生。
2 hooded     
  • A hooded figure waited in the doorway. 一个戴兜帽的人在门口等候。
  • Black-eyed gipsy girls, hooded in showy handkerchiefs, sallied forth to tell fortunes. 黑眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘 ,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命 。 来自辞典例句
3 ecclesiastic     
n.教士,基督教会;adj.神职者的 ,牧师的,教会的
  • The sounds of the church singing ceased and the voice of the chief ecclesiastic was heard,respectfully congratulating the sick man on his reception of the mystery.唱诗中断了,可以听见一个神职人员恭敬地祝贺病人受圣礼。
  • The man and the ecclesiastic fought within him,and the victory fell to the man.人和教士在他的心里交战 ,结果人取得了胜利。
4 monasteries     
修道院( monastery的名词复数 )
  • In ancient China, there were lots of monasteries. 在古时候,中国有许多寺院 。
  • The Negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches. 内格夫成为许多庙宇和教堂的宗教中心。
5 antiquities     
n.古老( antiquity的名词复数 );古迹;古人们;古代的风俗习惯
  • There is rest and healing in the contemplation of antiquities. 欣赏古物有休息和疗养之功。 来自辞典例句
  • Bertha developed a fine enthusiasm for the antiquities of London. 伯沙对伦敦的古迹产生了很大的热情 。 来自辞典例句
6 shipping     
n.船运(发货,运输 ,乘船)
  • We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm.我们和一家美国船运公司谈成了一笔生意。
  • There's a shipping charge of £5 added to the price.价格之外另加五英镑运输费。
7 armories     
n.纹章( armory的名词复数 );纹章学;兵工厂;军械库
  • The armories were important in the World War II. 兵工厂在二战中是很重要的 。 来自互联网
  • Can only be used to open the door, such as churches and armories Colored door. 只能用来开门,例如血色的教堂和军械库的门 。 来自互联网
8 arsenals     
n.兵工厂,军火库( arsenal的名词复数 );任何事物的集成
  • We possess-each of us-nuclear arsenals capable of annihilating humanity. 我们两国都拥有能够毁灭全人类的核武库。 来自辞典例句
  • Arsenals are factories that produce weapons. 军工厂是生产武器的工厂。 来自互联网
9 warehouses     
仓库 ,货栈( warehouse的名词复数 )
  • The whisky was taken to bonded warehouses at Port Dundee. 威士忌酒已送到邓迪港的保�仓库 。
  • Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront. 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。
10 treasuries     
n.(政府的)财政部( treasury的名词复数 );国库,金库
  • Yields on Treasuries, Bunds and gilts can remain at historically low levels. 美国国债、德国国债和英国国债的收益率仍然可以维持在历史低位。 来自互联网
  • Treasuries and gold rose in response but the dollar fell sharply. 接着,国债和黄金的价格上涨 ,而美元价格则猛跌 。 来自互联网
11 whatsoever     
  • There's no reason whatsoever to turn down this suggestion.没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。
  • All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them.你想别人对你怎样 ,你就怎样对人。
12 memorable     
adj.值得回忆的,难忘的,特别的 ,显著的
  • This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.这的确是我一生中最值得怀念的日子 。
  • The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles.这个老兵参加过许多难忘的战斗。
13 diligent     
  • He is the more diligent of the two boys.他是这两个男孩中较用功的一个。
  • She is diligent and keeps herself busy all the time.她真勤快,一会儿也不闲着 。
14 inquiry     
n.打听 ,询问,调查,查问
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
15 nay     
adv.不;n.反对票 ,投反对票者
  • He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable,nay,unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲 。
  • Long essays,nay,whole books have been written on this.许多长篇大论的文章 ,不,应该说是整部整部的书都是关于这件事的 。
16 lodging     
  • The bill is inclusive of the food and lodging. 账单包括吃 、住费用。
  • Where can you find lodging for the night? 你今晚在哪里借宿?
17 adamant     
adj.坚硬的 ,固执的
  • We are adamant on the building of a well-off society.在建设小康社会这一点上 ,我们是坚定不移的。
  • Veronica was quite adamant that they should stay on.维罗妮卡坚信他们必须继续留下去 。
18 sequester     
  • Everything he owned was sequestered.他的所有财产都被扣押了。
  • This jury is expected to be sequestered for at least two months.预计这个陪审团将至少被隔离两个月。
19 procure     
vt.获得,取得 ,促成;vi.拉皮条
  • Can you procure some specimens for me?你能替我弄到一些标本吗?
  • I'll try my best to procure you that original French novel.我将尽全力给你搞到那本原版法国小说 。
20 abridge     
v.删减,删节,节略 ,缩短
  • They are going to abridge that dictionary.他们将要精简那本字典。
  • He decided to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home.他接到家信后决定缩短在这里的逗留时间。
21 eminent     
adj.显赫的,杰出的,有名的 ,优良的
  • We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.我们正期待一位著名科学家的来访 。
  • He is an eminent citizen of China.他是一个杰出的中国公民。
22 discretion     
  • You must show discretion in choosing your friend.你择友时必须慎重。
  • Please use your best discretion to handle the matter.请慎重处理此事 。
23 choleric     
  • His pride and choleric temper were to ruin him.他生性高傲自恃而又易于发怒,这会毁了他的。
  • He was affable at one moment,choleric the next.他一会儿还和蔼可亲 ,可一转眼就火冒三丈。
24 discourse     
  • We'll discourse on the subject tonight.我们今晚要谈论这个问题 。
  • He fell into discourse with the customers who were drinking at the counter.他和站在柜台旁的酒客谈了起来 。
25 prick     
v.刺伤 ,刺痛 ,刺孔;n.刺伤,刺痛
  • He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on an upturned nail.当他踩在一个尖朝上的钉子上时,他感到剧烈的疼痛。
  • He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin.他用针一戳 ,气球就爆了。
上一篇: 培根美文赏析-Of Revenge 论 复 仇 下一篇: 培根美文赏析-Of Marriage And Single Life 论婚姻)
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