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XI,Magdalene Lee paused effectively in the doorway 1. One long slender hand touched the burnishedplatinum sheen of her hair. The leaf-green velvet 2 frock she wore clung to the delicate lines of herfigure. She looked very young and a little frightened.,The three men were arrested for a moment looking at her. Johnson’s eyes showed a suddensurprised admiration 3. Superintendent 4 Sugden’s showed no animation 5, merely the impatience 6 of aman anxious to get on with his job. Hercule Poirot’s eyes were deeply appreciative 7 (as she saw)but the appreciation 8 was not for her beauty, but for the effective use she made of it. She did notknow that he was thinking to himself:,“Jolie mannequin, la petite. Mais elle a les yeux durs.”,Colonel Johnson was thinking:,“Damned good-looking girl. George Lee will have trouble with her if he doesn’t look out.,Superintendent Sugden was thinking:,“Empty-headed vain piece of goods. Hope we get through with her quickly. ”,“Will you sit down, Mrs. Lee? Let me see, you are—?”,“Mrs. George Lee.”,She accepted the chair with a warm smile of thanks. “After all, ” the glance seemed to say,“although you are a man and a policeman, you are not so dreadful after all. ”,Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.玛丽突然出现在门口。,This material feels like velvet.这料子摸起来像丝绒 。
