The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet 绿宝石王冠(5)
- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-29
- 7
,"There was a double line of tracks of a booted man, and a second,double line which I saw with delight belonged to a man with naked,feet. I was at once convinced from what you had told me that the,latter was your son. The first had walked both ways, but the,other had run swiftly, and as his tread was marked in places over,after the other. I followed them up and found they led to the,hall window, where Boots had worn all the snow away while,waiting. Then I walked to the other end, which was a hundred,yards or more down the lane. I saw where Boots had faced round,,where the snow was cut up as though there had been a struggle,,The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches. 贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采 。,He was overseen stealing the letters. 他被人撞见在偷信件。 来自辞典例句
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet 绿宝石王冠(2)
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