Chapter 17,‘What really happened?’ Poirot repeated.,He reached behind him, drew forward a chair and sat down. His manner was now friendly—informal.,‘It is a question, is it not? For the digitoxin was taken—the syringe was missing—there was themark of a hypodermic on Mrs Boynton’s wrist.,‘It is true that in a few days’ time we shall know definitely—the
1 will tell us—whetherMrs Boynton died of an overdose of digitalis or not. But then it may be too late! It would be betterto reach the truth tonight—while the murderer is here under our hand.’,Nadine raised her head sharply.,Poirot was slowly nodding to himself.,‘The truth, that is what I promised Colonel Carbury. And so, having cleared our path we areback again where I was earlier in the day, writing down a list of printed facts and being facedstraightway with two glaring inconsistencies.’,Colonel Carbury
2 for the first time. ‘Suppose, now, we hear what they are?’ he suggested.,Poirot said with dignity: ‘I am about to tell you. We will take once more those first two facts onmy list. Mrs Boynton was taking a mixture of digitalis and Dr Gerard missed a hypodermicsyringe. Take those facts and set them against the undeniable fact (with which I was immediatelyconfronted) that the Boynton family showed unmistakably guilty reactions. It would seem,therefore, certain that one of the Boynton family must have committed the crime! And yet, thosetwo facts I mentioned were all against the theory. For, you see, to take a concentrated solution ofdigitalis—that, yes, it is a clever idea, because Mrs Boynton was already taking the drug. But whatwould a member of her family do then? Ah, ma foi! there was only one sensible thing to do. Putthe poison into her bottle of medicine! That is what anyone, anyone with a grain of sense and whohad access to the medicine would certainly do!,‘Sooner or later Mrs Boynton takes a dose and dies—and even if the digitalis is discovered inthe bottle it may be set down as a mistake of the chemist who made it up. Certainly nothing can beproved!,A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy.尸检的主要发现是肠出血。,They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的 。