ABC谋杀案 16
- 我爱学习
- 2024-11-29
- 6
Fifteen,SIR CARMICHAEL CLARKE,Churston, lying as it does between Brixham on the one side and Paignton and Torquay on theother, occupies a position about halfway round the curve of Torbay. Until about ten years ago itwas merely a golf links and below the links a green sweep of countryside dropping down to thesea with only a farmhouse or two in the way of human occupation. But of late years there hadbeen big building developments between Churston and Paignton and the coastline is now dottedwith small houses and bungalows, new roads, etc.,Sir Carmichael Clarke had purchased a site of some two acres commanding an uninterruptedview of the sea. The house he had built was of modern design—a white rectangle that was notunpleasing to the eye. Apart from two big galleries that housed his collection it was not a largehouse.,Our arrival there took place about 8 am. A local police officer had met us at the station and hadput us au courant of the situation.,Sir Carmichael Clarke, it seemed, had been in the habit of taking a stroll after dinner everyevening. When the police rang up—at some time after eleven—it was ascertained that he had notreturned. Since his stroll usually followed the same course, it was not long before a search partydiscovered his body. Death was due to a crashing blow with some heavy instrument on the back ofthe head. An open A B C had been placed face downwards on the dead body.,“Good morning, Deveril,” said the police officer.,“Good morning, Mr. Wells. ”,“These are the gentlemen from London, Deveril.”,“This way, gentlemen.” He ushered us into a long dining room where breakfast was laid. “I’llget Mr. Franklin. ”,A minute or two later a big fair-haired man with a sunburnt face entered the room.,