1 NAME OF PRINCESS DRAGOMIROFF,When the Count and Countess had departed, Poirot looked across at the other two.,“You see,” he said, “we make progress. ”,“Excellent work,” said M. Bouc cordially. “For my part, I should never have dreamed ofsuspecting Count and Countess Andrenyi. I will admit I thought them quite hors de combat. Isuppose there is no doubt that she committed the crime? It is rather sad. Still, they will notguillotine her. There are
2 circumstances. A few years’ imprisonment—that will be all.”,“In fact you are quite certain of her
3. ”,“You do not believe the Count’s positive assertion—on his word of honour—that his wife isinnocent?”,“Mon cher—naturally—what else could he say? He adores his wife. He wants to save her! Hetells his lie very well—quite in the grand Seigneur manner, but what else than a lie could it be?”,“Well, you know, I had the
5 idea that it might be the truth.”,“No, no. The handkerchief, remember. The handkerchief
6 the matter. ”,“Oh, I am not so sure about the handkerchief. You remember, I always told you that there weretwo possibilities as to the ownership of the handkerchief.”,His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。,There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. 因有可减轻罪行的情节被告未被判刑 。