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夏洛特的网 Chapter 6

The early summer days on a farm are the happiest and fairest days of the year. Lilacs bloom and make the air sweet, and then fade. Apple blossoms come with the lilacs, and the bees visit around among the apple trees. The days grow warm and soft. School ends, and children have time to play and to fish for trouts in the brook 2. Avery often brought a trout 1 home in his pocket, warm and stiff and ready to be fried for supper.,农场的初夏,是一年中最快乐最美好的时候。紫丁香开花了 ,把空气薰得又苦又香 。等到丁香花开败了,苹果花就露出了笑脸。这时候,蜂儿们就会成群地到苹果树中间来观光了。天气渐渐变暖了 。学校放假了 ,孩子们也更有空儿去玩耍 ,或者去小河里抓鳟鱼了 。埃弗里经常兜里揣着一条鳟鱼回家,准备在晚饭时把它们煎着吃。, ,Now that school was over, Fern visited the barn almost every day, to sit quietly on her stool. The animals treated her as an equal. The sheep lay calmly at her feet.,既然放了假,芬就有更时间去参观谷仓了。她几乎每天都去 ,静静地坐在她的小凳上观察着 。动物们已经把她当自己人看待了。绵羊安静地躺在她的脚边,一点儿也不怕。, ,差不多在七月的第一天,祖克曼先生便开始把割草机套在马的脖子上 ,自己跳进座位里,赶着马往田野里去了 。整个的早晨你都能听到割草机转来转去的嘎嘎声,看到高高的草渐渐的在长条割刀的后面排起了长长的绿行的情景。第二天 ,如果没有雷阵雨,所有的人就会来帮着用耙子把割下来的草收拢到一起,装上高高的干草车往谷仓拉 ,芬和埃弗里则坐到了车的最顶上。然后,暖暖的散发着清香的干草会被卸进大阁楼,直到堆得整个谷仓看起来像无数的筒状草与苜蓿铺起的奇妙的大床一样 。如果你跳上去 ,一定感觉很舒服 ,躲到里面也没人看得见。偶尔,来这里玩的埃弗里能在干草堆里找到一条可爱的小草蛇,便把它和兜里的别的宝贝装到一起。, ,Early summer days are a jubilee 9 time for birds. In the fields, around the house, in the barn, in the woods, in the swamp--everywhere love and songs and nests and eggs. From the edge of the woods, the white-throated sparrow(which must come all the way from Boston) calls, "Oh, Peabody, Peabody, Peabody!" On an apple bough 10, the phoebe teeters and wags its tail and says, "Phoebe, phoe-bee!" The song sparrow, who knows how brief and lovely life is, says, "Sweet, sweet, sweet interlude; sweet, sweet, sweet interlude." If you enter the barn, the swallows swoop 11 down from their nests and scold. "Cheeky, cheeky!" they say.,初夏简直是鸟儿们的狂欢节 。在田野间 ,房子四周,谷仓里,树林中 ,湿地上——到处都有欢爱,歌声,鸟巢和鸟蛋。白喉雀(从波士顿飞来的)在树林边叫 ,“啊,皮儿剥,皮儿剥 ,皮儿剥!”在苹果树杈间,京燕颤巍巍地晃着尾巴走来走去,嘴里喊着:“波碧 ,波儿-碧! ”深知生命是多么可爱和短促的百灵鸟说 ,“快乐的,快乐的偷闲!快乐的,快乐的 ,快乐的偷闲。”如果你来到谷仓,就会听见燕子们从他们的巢里一头扎过去叱责 。“无耻,无耻!”他们说 。, ,We hooked a trout and had it for breakfast.我们钓了一条鳟鱼 ,早饭时吃了。,In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。
