- 指点迷津
- 2024-11-30
- 7
随着女性地位的提高,各行各业的女强人数量激增 。英国的一项调查显示 ,管理层女性占比高的公司盈利能力更强。然而,英国幼儿托管服务的欠缺却让职场女性无法放心拼事业,进入最高管理层的女性依然是凤毛麟角。, ,Women should play a central role in the post-pandemic economic recovery, with evidence revealing companies with more female leaders outperform those dominated by men, according to House of Commons research.,英国下议院的调查指出 ,有证据显示,女性高管更多的企业比以男性高管为主的企业表现更佳,这说明女性在后疫情时代的经济复苏过程中应发挥核心作用 。, ,Accusing the government of ignoring women's needs during the coronavirus pandemic and side-lining them in plans for recovery, the shadow secretary for women and equalities, Anneliese Dodds, said the data showed women held the key to a stronger economy, but they were being held back by a lack of investment and the risk of "childcare deserts".,英国影子内阁女性和平等部大臣安纳利斯·多兹表示 ,调查数据表明女性掌握着经济复苏的关键,但是女性却被投资不足和“育儿荒漠”风险拉住了后腿。她指责英国政府在新冠疫情期间忽视女性的需求,并在经济复苏计划中把女性排除在外。, ,She warned that the UK was facing a "childcare emergency" with early years settings struggling to recruit staff and the Early Years Alliance reporting that some areas of England have seen a 25% decline in the number of places in the past six years.,她警告称 ,英国正面临着“育儿危机 ”和托幼机构招聘难的问题 。早期教育联盟报告称,英国部分地区的托幼名额在过去六年内减少了25%。, ,"The childcare
1 is facing a short-term emergency, seeing childcare deserts in different parts of the country, with providers going
2 and not being able to continue operating – that has an awful impact on working women," said Dodds. "Childcare providers are part of our economic
3, we have to find a more sustainable way forward.",多兹说:“托幼行业正在面临一场短期危机,英国不同地区都出现了‘育儿荒漠',托幼机构纷纷破产 ,无法继续运营,这给职场女性带来了可怕的后果。托幼机构是英国经济基础设施的一部分,我们必须找到更加可持续的方式来发展托幼机构 。”, ,To mark International Women's Day, which is on Tuesday, Labour have
4 data from the House of Commons library. It cited McKinsey research that shows companies in the top quartile for
5 diversity on executive teams were 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the bottom, while companies with more than 30% female executives were more likely to outperform companies that don't, according to research from academics from the Universities of Glasgow and Leicester.,为了纪念3月8日的国际妇女节 ,英国工党整理了来自下议院图书馆的数据。工党援引麦肯锡的调查结果称,管理层性别最均衡的企业比性别最不均衡的企业盈利能力超过平均水平的可能性高出25%。与此同时,格拉斯哥大学和莱斯特大学的学者开展的调查发现 ,女性高管超过30%的公司比女性高管不足30%的公司表现更佳。, ,But only eight women, and no women of colour, are currently employed as CEOs in the FSTE 100, while women hold only 14% of executive directorships and 38% of all directorships, according to the Fawcett Society's Sex and Power report 2022.,但是,福西特协会的2022性别与权力报告指出,目前在伦敦证券交易所上市的百强公司担任首席执行官的女性只有8位 ,而且全都是白人 。在这些公司中,担任执行董事的女性只有14%,担任管理职位的女性只有38%。, ,The data shows that women-led SMEs contribute about £85bn to economic output, but Beis research shows that only 16% of small business employers and one in three of entrepreneurs are women. There is further evidence that fewer women get access to financing and business loans, with only 15% of bank financing applications and 22% of new primary business bank accounts openings coming from women.,数据显示 ,女性领导的中小企业对经济产出的贡献约为850亿英镑(约合人民币7103亿元),但是英国商业能源与产业战略部的调查表明,只有16%的小企业家和三分之一的企业家是女性。还有证据显示,能获取融资贷款和商业贷款的女性更少 ,只有15%的银行融资申请和22%的新增主营业务收入银行账户来自女性 。, ,New global data from gender
6 researcher Equileap, released for IWD, shows that in the UK, women make up only a fifth (20%) of executive team members, 13 companies (6%) have a female CEO, and 27 companies (13%) have a female CFO.,性别平等调研机构Equileap为纪念国际妇女节新发布的全球数据显示,在英国,担任管理人员的女性只占五分之一(20%) ,首席执行官为女性的公司只有13家(6%),首席财务官为女性的公司只有27家。