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A good night's sleep is important and if you want to get the most out of your bedtime ritual then it's key that you go to bed and get up at the right time.,优质的睡眠非常重要 ,如果你想获得充分的休息 ,那么正确的入睡和起床时间是关键。, ,7点起床,几点入睡合适?, ,国际睡眠医学会将睡眠周期分为5个阶段:入睡期 、浅睡期 、熟睡期、深睡期、快速眼动睡眠期(REM) 。人的一个完整睡眠周期大约90至110分钟,一晚上通常要经历四五个睡眠周期 。如果在两个睡眠周期中间或是快速眼动期醒来 ,人就会觉得昏昏沉沉。, ,The clever sleep calculator works out what time you need to go to bed just by the time you need to get up combined with information on the body's natural sleep pattern - which works in 90 minute cycles.,人体的自然睡眠周期为90分钟,这款聪明的睡眠计算器根据人体睡眠周期和你需要起床的时间,计算出你需要在什么时候睡觉。, ,Being woken by an alarm during one of the 90-minute cycles is often what makes people feel groggy 1 in the morning – making it seem harder to get up out of bed.,在90分钟的睡眠周期内被闹钟吵醒通常会让人们早上感到头昏眼花——这让起床变得更加困难 。, ,The sleep calculator, made by the team at home interiors specialist Hillarys, can work out the time you need to go to bed to make sure you wake up with a spring in your step.,由室内家装公司Hillarys研发的睡眠计算器可以计算出你需要入睡的时间 ,确保你能轻松起床。, ,使用者只需输入起床时间或就寝时间,计算器就会依据人们平均需要14分钟入睡,自动计算出相应的就寝时间或叫醒时间。, ,举例来说:, ,Want to wake up feeling fresh at 7am? Head to bed at 9:46pm, 11:16pm or 12:46am for you night owls 2.,想要神清气爽地在早上7点醒来?可以在晚上9:46 、11:16上床睡觉 ,或者夜猫子可以选择12:46 。, ,But if you want a little more sleep and don't fancy getting up at 7am and instead want to face the day at 8am, then you can go to bed at either 10.46pm, 12.16am, 1.46am or 3.16am.,但是如果你想多睡一会儿,不想在早上7点起床,而是8点起床 ,那么你可以在晚上10:46、12:16分、凌晨1:46或3:16就寝。, ,Tara Hall, a spokesperson for hillarys.co.uk said: “Getting a good night's sleep is about more than simply going to bed early - it's about waking up at the right time, too. Using a formula based on the body's natural rhythms, the Sleep Calculator will work out the best time for you to rise or go to sleep. ”,Hillarys公司发言人塔拉·霍尔表示:“睡个好觉不仅仅是早睡——还需要在正确的时间醒来。睡眠计算器根据人体生物钟,计算出你起床或入睡的最佳时间 。 ”
