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There are some sounds most of us acknowledge are irritating – the crunching 1 of crisps, the humming of the air conditioning or a screaming baby. These noises, for many people, act as a mere 2 inconvenience that can distract us from the task at hand. However, there are some amongst us who have a much more severe response to these noises. The question we ask today is: has a noise ever made you feel so angry that you could explode with rage? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from misophonia., ,The word 'misophonia' literally 3 means 'a hatred 4 of sound' and is sometimes called Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome 5. There are some experts who doubt the existence of the condition. However, for those who claim to suffer from it, the experience can be traumatic. Certain sounds trigger intense emotional or psychological responses that may seem over the top compared with a non-sufferer's complaints., ,The sound of a loved one chewing their food could trigger a sufferer's anxiety levels, or cause them to panic. It may even activate 6 their fight-or-flight reflexes, making them want to flee. In extreme cases, that feeling of panic may result in intense bouts 7 of fury and end up with sufferers going berserk., ,Sadly, there's no known cure. Tinnitus retraining therapy, which helps people tolerate noises, may aid sufferers, while cognitive 8 behavioural therapy and counselling could also help people manage the condition. According to James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist 9, the condition can lead to isolation 10. Sufferers use coping strategies that include avoiding places with lots of noises, like restaurants, or moving away when they feel like lashing 11 out at someone due to their breathing., ,So, the next time you see someone fly into a rage because of a sound that is driving them crazy, it may be due to a difficult condition they are trying to manage, and not just because they loathe 12 a certain sound.


欧冠名场面之两大中锋对顶。曼朱基齐应该是属于实力被低估了的球员之一吧?在拜仁马竞尤文这些强队效力过,门前效率都很可以 ,而且还属于那种不挑配置即插即用的前锋,无论是对防线威胁牵制还是进攻支点作用都很强

职场之路选择多,后悔也越多。在单位拒绝了纪委主任去他科室的邀请 ,后来发现纪委也还不错,虽然加班多了点,而且 ,万一以后还可以往上爬一下 。现在他们搬到隔壁,每天都碰到,每次碰到都感觉尴尬 ,折磨人

福,大家觉得这种违规情况要不要加重扣分扣钱:闯黄灯或者闯红灯时犹犹豫豫不跟紧前车,被另一方向亮了绿灯的电驴堵死停在马路中间 ,最后就是整个路口瘫痪。常见于左转和直行只有一条路的路口!大家觉得能加大处罚吗

由贾樟柯执导、赵涛主演的时代爱情片《风流一代》今日上映并发布国际版预告。电影的拍摄历时二十二年 ,在不同时期分别采用了包括胶片 、数码到VR在内的多种摄影器材,展现了千禧年至今二十二年的社会变迁

为什么没有导演拍“淞沪会战”的电影,开头先以播报的形式播报出日军的意图 ,上海保安员和第十九局军的抵抗,然后镜头一转把每个省份出兵百姓相送千里奔袭的场景全部给画面,镜头再回到战场 ,往宏大了拍,票房肯定爆

由贾樟柯执导、赵涛主演的时代爱情片《风流一代》今日上映并发布国际版预告 。电影的拍摄历时二十二年,在不同时期分别采用了包括胶片、数码到VR在内的多种摄影器材 ,展现了千禧年至今二十二年的社会变迁

老婆孕39周,8月13号下午背部突然剧烈疼痛,到医院初步检查怀疑主动脉夹层建议转院 ,然后就是转院办手续确诊再到医生会诊开始做手术已经是午夜12点了,连续12个小时三个手术,刨宫产 ,子宫切除 ,开胸

现在打硬仗看出火箭还是比较莽,很像去年雷霆,火箭已经有强队之姿 ,但到了杯赛赛场上,对抗强度极高堪比季后赛决赛强度,申京 ,格林极度不适应,反而阿门伊森史密斯这样防守出身更实用。阿门绝对有基石潜力。

从恒大09租借加盟湖北星辉的李铖,上次在西甲希望杯的表现给人印象深刻 ,最近在U-15联赛表现也极为抢眼,技术细腻,边路爆破能力极强 ,还有一脚任意球绝活 。绝对是一位实力派悍将。不知道有多少人注意到他。

感觉阿诺德大概率就是在等氛围的态度有没有争冠的投入这种态度,今天也传出来消息他一直也没要高薪也没一定要去皇马那等啥呢还能等中超报价啊?肯定就等引援呗,再加上老昙和老范基本上板上钉钉 ,所以阿诺德也就稳了

一个偶然的时候看了一套不知道什么年份出产的电视剧(不讨好的勇气) ,偶然看到屏幕演员表,偶然的发现一个近期被提起过的名字 李庚希,演的还可以呀 ,但是听到不少吐槽她很水的评论说是最水金鸡影后,大家看过没有
