科学家发现 “左撇子基因”
- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-30
- 9
科学家们发现了第一个与左撇子有关的基因指令。这些指令似乎还与大脑的结构和功能密切相连,尤其是与语言有关的区域 。, ,Around one in ten of us is left-handed - but why? A team at the University of
1 analysed 400,000 people's
2. They then compared lefties and righties in a giant game of
3 spot-the-difference.,每十个人中就有一个人是左撇子 ,但这是为什么呢?牛津大学的一个研究小组分析了 40 万人的 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)。然后,他们通过一个基因 “找不同 ” 游戏对左撇子和习惯用右手的人进行了比较。, ,They found four genetic instructions that influenced left-handedness. These seem to work by altering how the brain develops. They're involved in building the intricate "scaffolding", known as the cytoskeleton that organises the inside of our body's cells and
4 in a brain that is wired differently in left-handed people. Scans showed regions of the brain involved in language were better connected and more
5 as a result.,他们发现了影响左撇子的四种基因指令 。这些指令似乎是通过改变大脑的发育来起作用的。指令参与构建复杂的 “脚手架”,即细胞骨架 ,它组织我们体内的细胞,最终形成一个构造有别于惯用右手的人的左撇子大脑。扫描结果显示,左撇子的大脑中与语言有关的区域连接得更好,也更协调。, ,The researchers speculate the findings may give left-handed people greater verbal skills. The study also showed slightly higher risks of schizophrenia and slightly lower risks of Parkinson's disease in left-handed people.,研究人员推测 ,这些发现可能证实左撇子拥有更强的语言能力 。此项研究还显示,左撇子患精神分裂症的风险略高,患帕金森病的风险略低。