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剑桥大学的研究人员发现,在冷水中游泳可以保护大脑免受失智症等退行性疾病的伤害。研究人员在一些经常参加户外冬泳的人血液中发现了一种 “冷休克(cold-shock) ” 蛋白 ,此发现属世界首次 。, ,The team has already shown that the protein can slow the onset 1 of dementia in mice and even repair some of the damage it causes.,研究小组已经证明,这种蛋白质可以减缓老鼠痴呆症的发作,甚至可以修复因痴呆造成的一些损伤。, ,The researchers say exposure to cold activates 2 a latent hibernation 3 ability human beings appear to retain. But they say don't go and jump in a cold river hoping to reduce your dementia risk - swimming in cold water can be dangerous for those not accustomed to it.,研究人员说 ,寒冷的环境可以激活一种人类似乎保留着的潜在冬眠能力。但是他们说不要跳进冰冷的河里,希望这样可以降低你患痴呆症的风险,因为在冰冷的水中游泳对那些不习惯的人来说是很危险的 。, ,They say their focus now is to find drugs that prompt the production of the protein and to prove that it really does help delay dementia.,研究人员称 ,他们现在的研究重点是找到能促进这种蛋白质产生的药物,并证明它确实有助于延缓痴呆。

