- 指点迷津
- 2024-11-30
- 5
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Jyvaskyla has shown that frequent sauna bathing can lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in middle aged1 and elderly people., ,东芬兰大学和于韦斯屈莱大学联合进行的一项研究显示,中老年人经常洗桑拿可以降低死于心血管疾病的风险。, ,The research, which has recently been published in the open access journal BMC Medicine, found that the mortality from CVD among people taking sauna four to seven times a week is 73 percent lower than those using sauna once a week, according to the press release issued by the University of Eastern Finland., ,The findings were based on self-reported questionnaire and death cases from cardiovascular causes recorded in documents of death. A total of 1,688 people living in eastern Finland were involved in the research., ,At the beginning of the study, the average age of the participants was 63 years old. Among them, 51.4 percent were woman and 49.5 percent were man. Data for the study were collected between 1998 and 2015., ,The long-term study found the number of cases of CVD mortality decreased as the length of time spent in the sauna per week increased. For those who spent over 45 minutes per week in a sauna, the number of cases was 5.1 per 1,000 person years, while the number was 9.6 for those who spent less than 15 minutes in the sauna per week., ,Jari Laukkanen, a professor at the University of Eastern Finland, said an important finding of the research was that more regular sauna use is associated with a lower risk of death from CVD in
2 to elderly women as well as in men, adding that previous studies were done mostly in men only.