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According to recent studies, signatures can be a tell-tale sign of a person’s darker traits, revealing if they are authoritative and exploitative. , ,根据最近的研究,签名或是揭露人是否有权威感和特权感等腹黑个性的标志。, ,In addition, researchers have found that a large signature is linked to those who enjoy being the center of attention - and for women especially, this writing style was tied to narcissism. , ,A study analyzing the signatures of 500 chief financial officers found that signature size is linked only to the dark elements of narcissism, according to PsyBlog. , ,Positive traits associated with narcissism, such as self-confidence, were not found to be related. , ,Instead, they noted a relationship between signature size, authoritativeness and exploitativeness. , ,And, CFOs with the largest signatures were more likely lie about the company’s earnings or relax internal controls.

