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Snoring happens when your airflow becomes partially 1 blocked. Some easy fixes: Try sleeping on your side or stomach (research shows those positions may reduce snoring) and avoiding alcohol (liquor can relax throat muscles, making it more difficult for air to get through). If the racket is heavy and accompanied by gasping 2 or pauses in your breathing, you might have sleep apnea; your doctor may suggest a mouthpiece or a breathing machine to ease your nighttime breathing., ,Reality check: You may have read that throat sprays prevent snoring -- not true. Snoring that arises in the throat happens because the muscles are too relaxed. There's no reason lubricating or numbing 3 your throat would have any effect., ,当呼吸气流局部受阻 ,你就会打呼 。有些简单的应对方法:试着侧睡或者趴着睡(有研究表明这些姿势可能会缓解打呼症状),以及避免饮酒(酒精会松弛咽喉肌肉,使空气更难通过)。如果鼾声很响且伴有呼吸困难或呼吸暂停 ,你可能患有睡眠呼吸暂停综合征。医生或许会建议你使用口腔纠治器或呼吸机来改善夜间呼吸 。, ,事实纠正:你可能读到过喉头喷雾可以防止打呼——这不是真的。打呼是因为咽喉肌肉太松弛,润滑或者麻痹咽喉就会起作用的说法毫无道理。

