- 指点迷津
- 2024-11-30
- 4
Happy events can trigger a heart condition known as takotsubo
1, according to research published today (Thursday) in the European Heart Journal. Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is known as "broken heart syndrome" and is characterised by a sudden temporary weakening of the heart muscles that causes the left ventricle of the heart to balloon out at the bottom while the neck
2 narrow, creating a shape resembling a Japanese
3 trap, from which it gets its name. Since this
4 rare condition was first described in 1990, evidence has suggested that it is typically triggered by episodes of severe emotional
5, such as grief, anger or fear, with patients developing chest pains and breathlessness. It can lead to heart attacks and death., ,Now, for the first time, researchers have
6 analysed data from the largest group of patients diagnosed with TTS worldwide, and found that some patients have developed the condition after a happy or
7 event; they have named it "happy heart syndrome"., ,In 2011, Dr
8 Templin, principle
9 and
10 cardiologist, together with Dr Jelena Ghadri, resident cardiologist, established the first International Takotsubo Registry at the University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland. For this study they have analysed data from the first 1750 patients registered from the 25
11 centres in nine different countries., ,They found 485 patients where there was a definite emotional trigger. Of these, 20 (4%) had TTS that had been
12 by happy and joyful events, such as a birthday party, wedding, surprise farewell celebration, a favourite rugby team winning a game, or the birth of a grandchild; 465 (96%) had occurred after sad and stressful events, such as death of a
13, child or parent, attending a funeral, an accident, worry about illness, or relationship problems; one occurred after an
14 patient got stuck in the bath. , ,Ninety-five percent of the patients were women in both the "broken hearts" and "happy hearts" groups, and the average age of patients was 65 among the "broken hearts" and 71 among the "happy hearts", confirming that the majority of TTS cases occur in post-menopausal women., ,Dr Ghadri said the new findings should lead to a
15 shift in clinical practice. "We have shown that the triggers for TTS can be more
16 than
17 thought. A TTS patient is no longer the classic "broken hearted" patient, and the disease can be preceded by positive emotions too. Clinicians should be aware of this and also consider that patients who arrive in the emergency department with signs of heart attacks, such as chest pain and breathlessness, but after a happy event or emotion, could be suffering from TTS just as much as a similar patient presenting after a negative emotional event. Our findings broaden the clinical
18 of TTS. They also suggest that happy and sad life events may share similar emotional pathways that can ultimately cause TTS."
从zeus离开这件事情说明t1粉丝基本都是faker粉丝 所以t1商务多 咋可能五个人平分 肯定faker大头他们再分 算下来还不如直接拿工资
王源新歌倒计时两天王源快乐的可能王源新歌倒计时两天啦!“日落的时候 ,慢半拍的切片,也成为快乐的可能 ”
郁闷之后,理性分析 。其实这场的后防是不配拿三分的 ,完完全全是萨拉赫靠超巨个人能力和阿诺德的助攻硬生生咬下来的一分。可能更多的惋惜是超神发挥的夜晚被破坏了。
据意大利媒体全尤文报道,相较于加盟阿斯顿维拉,齐尔克泽更可能加盟米兰或尤文 。AC米兰意甲联赛
姆总还在当打之年 ,技术不可能突然下滑,只有一个可能:心理出现问题
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