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Astronomers 1 expect that galaxies 2 grow by swallowing smaller galaxies. But the evidence is usually not easy to see -- just as the remains 3 of the water thrown from a glass into a pond will quickly merge 4 with the pond water, the stars in the infalling galaxy 5 merge in with the very similar stars of the bigger galaxy leaving no trace. But now a team of astronomers led by PhD student Alessia Longobardi at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik , Garching, Germany has applied 6 a clever observational trick to clearly show that the nearby giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87 merged 7 with a smaller spiral galaxy in the last billion years., ,"This result shows directly that large, luminous 8 structures in the Universe are still growing in a substantial way -- galaxies are not finished yet!" says Alessia Longobardi. "A large sector 9 of Messier 87's outer halo now appears twice as bright as it would if the collision had not taken place.", ,Messier 87 lies at the centre of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. It is a vast ball of stars with a total mass more than a million million times that of the Sun, lying about 50 million light-years away., ,Rather than try to look at all the stars in Messier 87 -- there are literally 10 billions and they are too faint and numerous be studied individually -- the team looked at planetary nebulae, the glowing shells around ageing stars. Because these objects shine very brightly in a specific hue 11 of aquamarine green, they can be distinguished 12 from the surrounding stars. Careful observation of the light from the nebulae using a powerful spectrograph  can also reveal their motions., ,Just as the water from a glass is not visible once thrown into the pond -- but may have caused ripples 13 and other disturbances 14 that can be seen if there are particles of mud in the water -- the motions of the planetary nebulae, measured using the FLAMES  spectrograph on the Very Large Telescope , provide clues to the past merger 15., ,"We are witnessing a single recent accretion 16 event where a medium-sized galaxy fell through the centre of Messier 87, and as a consequence of the enormous gravitational tidal forces, its stars are now scattered 17 over a region that is 100 times larger than the original galaxy!" adds Ortwin Gerhard, head of the dynamics 18 group at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, and a co-author of the new study.
