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Kangaroos prefer to use one of their hands over the other for everyday tasks in much the same way that humans do, with one notable difference: generally speaking, kangaroos are lefties. The finding, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on June 18--the first to consider handedness in wild kangaroos--challenges the notion that "true" handedness among mammals is a feature unique to primates 1. "According to a special-assessment scale of handedness adopted for primates, kangaroos pulled down the highest grades," says Yegor Malashichev of Saint Petersburg State University in Russia. "We observed a remarkable 2 consistency 3 in responses across bipedal species in that they all prefer to use the left, not the right, hand.", ,Malashichev's interest in handedness goes back at least a decade, when he reported differences in handedness between jumping and walking frogs. Those studies showed that jumping frogs less often show handedness than do walking frogs. His team later showed subtle signs of handedness in marsupials that walk on all fours, including gray short-tailed opossums and sugar gliders 4, which differed by sex. But no one had taken a careful look at different species of bipedal kangaroos., ,One reason true handedness wasn't expected in kangaroos--or other marsupials, for that matter--is because, unlike other mammals, they lack the same neural 5 circuit that bridges the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Studies of kangaroos living in captivity 6 hadn't yielded conclusive 7 evidence either. In the new study, to find out what wild kangaroos really do when left to their own devices, the researchers watched these iconic animals in Tasmania and continental 8 Australia., ,"What we observed in reality we did not initially 9 expect," Malashichev says. "But the more we observed, the more it became obvious that there is something really new and interesting in the wild."


一般穿这样吃饭的 ,都是做什么工作的?白富美?富家千金?

为什么每次去吃自助烤肉会窜稀,有懂的JR吗 商场的无非79 89这种的自助形式,但我吃了这么多年烤肉自助真没觉得哪家好吃的 ,都是一般了 ,肉一般饮料一般,主食一般

我们不传控迷,脚下不定代表着就传控 ,同理,防守反击不都是大脚,请看VCR。自己喜欢的简单大脚 ,请别套在全体中国人头上,中国必须踢现代足球

张国立晒搞笑自拍 每都是表情包


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华为mate70今年热度连去年的十分之一都定有,去年打开啥都是遥遥领先 。。今年各平台,朋友圈没话题

哪里贵了?这么多年都是这个价格 ,不要睁着眼睛乱说,直低配高卖,国货品牌很难的

超大杯玩拼色 ,主要在设计感上贴近相机大家思路都是影像做灭霸外观做相机仪式感给你拉满再说~新机来了

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