- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-30
- 9
First developed in China in about the year A.D. 150, paper has many uses, the most common being for writing and printing upon. Indeed, the development and spread of civilization owes much to paper's use as writing material. According to some surveys, 90 percent of all information in businesses today is retained on paper, even though the bulk of this printed paper is discarded after just one-time use., ,Such waste of paper (and ink cartridges) -- not to mention the accompanying environmental problems such as deforestation and chemical pollution to air, water and land -- could be
1 if the paper were "rewritable," that is, capable of being written on and
2 multiple times., ,Chemists at the University of California, Riverside have now fabricated in the lab just such novel rewritable paper, one that is based on the color switching property of commercial chemicals called redox dyes. The dye forms the imaging layer of the paper. Printing is achieved by using ultraviolet light to photobleach the dye, except the portions that constitute the text on the paper. The new rewritable paper can be erased and written on more than 20 times with no significant loss in contrast or resolution., ,"This rewritable paper does not require additional inks for printing, making it both economically and environmentally viable," said Yadong Yin, a professor of chemistry, whose lab led the research. "It represents an attractive alternative to regular paper in meeting the increasing global needs for sustainability and environmental conservation.", ,Study results appear online today (Dec. 2) in Nature Communications.
何同学在商单视频中把开源项目代码说成是“我们专门写的软件” ,冒用成果鸠占鹊巢,代码原作者已经发声!
德国科技领先世界,为何美国先造出原子弹 ,原因都在这个人身上
感觉lck的经济公司还是有用的,至少现在有反击俱乐部的空间 ,不像lpl这边选手连发的微博都是按俱乐部写的一样,出来爆的时候发文像文盲,第二次道歉的时候比大学生还专业
一句轻描淡写的“呵呵哒 ”背后大概是刘亦菲这么多年以来的无奈
国考前面感觉写的还不错 ,有进面的感觉,可惜大作文没写完,功亏一篑 ,第一题十分就写了三十分钟了,上午资料分析也是写了四十几分钟导致政治理论常识都没有看