- 指点迷津
- 2024-11-30
- 8
1's arms are covered in hundreds of suckers that will stick to just about anything, with one important exception. Those suckers generally won't grab onto the octopus itself; otherwise, the impressively flexible animals would quickly find themselves all
2 up. Now, researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem report in the Cell Press publication Current Biology on May 15 that they have discovered how
3 manage this
4, even as the octopuses' brains are
5 of what their arms are doing. A chemical produced by octopus skin temporarily prevents their suckers from sucking., ,"We were surprised that nobody before us had noticed this very
6 and easy-to-detect phenomena," says Guy
7, who carried out the research with co-first author Nir Nesher. "We were
8 surprised by the brilliant and simple solution of the octopus to this potentially very complicated problem.", ,Binyamin Hochner and his colleagues had been working with octopuses for many years, focusing especially on their flexible arms and body motor control. There is a very good reason that octopuses don't know where their arms are exactly, in the same way that people or other animals do., ,"Our motor control system is based on a rather
9 representation of the motor and
10 systems in the brain in a formant of maps that have body part coordinates," Hochner explains., ,That works for us because our
11 skeletons limit the number of possibilities. "It is hard to
envisage12 (正视,面对)similar
13 to function in the octopus brain because its very long and flexible arms have an infinite number of degrees of freedom," Hochner continues. "Therefore, using such maps would have been tremendously difficult for the octopus, and maybe even impossible.", ,Indeed, experiments have supported the notion that octopuses lack accurate knowledge about the position of their arms. And that raised an
intriguing14(有趣的) question: How, then, do octopuses avoid tying themselves up in knots?, ,To answer that question, the researchers observed the behavior of amputated octopus arms, which remain very active for an hour after separation. Those observations showed that the arms never grabbed octopus skin, though they would grab a skinned octopus arm. The octopus arms didn't grab Petri dishes covered with octopus skin, either, and they attached to dishes covered with octopus skin extract with much less force than they otherwise would., ,"The results so far show, and for the first time, that the skin of the octopus prevents octopus arms from attaching to each other or to themselves in a reflexive manner," the researchers write. "The drastic reduction in the response to the skin crude extract suggests that a specific chemical signal in the skin
15 the inhibition of sucker grabbing."
[流言板]姆巴佩几周前和老佛爷交谈 ,他保证不会让皇马后悔签自己
建议火箭这个赛季别再用谢泼德,谢先把身体练好 ,去发展联盟建立信心,谢球商高,不会水,而且他投篮是有天赋的 ,他现在信心不足,有些怯场 。
真正是球队基石的超巨其他球队不会放 ,当打之年的超巨也不会来火箭,没有吸引力;火箭目前有全明星水平年轻球员不只是一个,而且还有上升提高的空间 ,球队已经是西部强队水平,为什么要拆队交易不自己慢慢培养?
ZT:romo: ·伊森一上场就开始努力破坏对手的节奏,7尺2寸的臂展,强壮的身体素质 ,敏捷的动作,疯狂的比赛态度——他是那种完美的防守破坏者。对手最讨厌面对的球员,而队友则庆幸他站在自己这一边。