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Among adults with asthma 1 controlled with low-dose inhaled 2 corticosteroid(皮质类固醇) therapy, the time to treatment failure was not significantly different among patients who received corticosteroid dose adjustment based on physician assessment 3, a biomarker, or symptom occurrence, according to a study in the September 12 issue of JAMA. Asthma disease activity varies daily, seasonally 4, and episodically, presumably related to airway 5 inflammation. "Accordingly, asthma management requires periodic dose adjustments of controller medications, particularly inhaled corticosteroids. Adjustments have been based on physician assessment of symptoms, activity limitation, rescue albuterol use (a bronchodilator支气管扩张剂 used for treating asthma), lung function, and exacerbations at usual office or clinic visits, a biomarker of disease activity (e.g., exhaled 7 nitric oxide 8), or the occurrence of symptoms on a day-to-day basis," according to background information in the article. "No consensus 9 exists for adjusting inhaled corticosteroid therapy in patients with asthma.", ,William J. Calhoun, M.D., of the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, and colleagues hypothesized that adjustment of inhaled corticosteroids based on symptoms or measurement of exhaled nitric oxide would be superior to adjustment based on physician assessment. The researchers conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled trial that included 342 adults with mild to moderate asthma controlled by low-dose inhaled corticosteroid therapy (n = 114 assigned to physician assessment-based adjustment [101 completed], n = 115 to biomarker-based [exhaled nitric oxide] adjustment [92 completed], and n = 113 to symptom-based adjustment [97 completed]). The Best Adjustment Strategy for Asthma in the Long Term (BASALT) trial was conducted by the Asthma Clinical Research Network at 10 academic medical centers in the United States for 9 months between June 2007 and July 2010. For physician assessment-based adjustment and biomarker-based adjustment, the dose of inhaled corticosteroids was adjusted every 6 weeks; for symptom-based adjustment, inhaled corticosteroids were taken with each albuterol(沙丁胺醇) rescue use., ,The researchers found that the time to treatment failure, the primary study outcome, did not differ significantly among the 3 treatment strategies. The 9-month Kaplan-Meier failure rates were 22 percent (24 events) for physician assessment-based adjustment (PABA), 20 percent (21 events) for biomarker-based adjustment (BBA), and 15 percent (16 events) for symptom-based adjustment (SBA)., ,Treatment failure rates were not different among groups when multiple episodes of treatment failure were included. There were not significant differences among the treatment groups for asthma exacerbation6(恶化,激怒) (including multiple episodes) rates; and the average proportion of treatment failures that progressed to exacerbations. The authors also found that measures of lung function and asthma symptoms were not significantly different among the groups., ,"In summary, among adult participants with mild to moderate persistent 10 asthma, neither the SBA nor the BBA strategy for inhaled corticosteroid therapy was superior to the standard PABA strategy for the outcome of treatment failure."


这场轮转球员明显没有一对一爆破能力 ,如启用惠特莫尔效果应该会好点

哈登走后第一次看火箭比赛,感觉确实没有选到基石球员,教练临场也很差 ,fvv被针对这么明毫无调整,2号秀也早该换下去的

火箭对勇士已经到了15连败记录 离谱居然还是没有库里追梦的勇士 乌朵卡调整能力真的一般

必须交易格林,才活路啊 ,突破根本没有威胁,只拿球突那就是失误 。还就是投篮调整能力差,不具备超级明星的能力 ,关键时刻需要巨星得分的 ,格林差了太远了?老范不用说,合同一到期那就是走

丹·法瓦莱 的 2024-25赛季至今休斯顿火箭队评分报告:A。在没有进行任何实质性阵容调整的情况下,火箭队一路冲到了西部榜首 ,这完全是“A+”级别的表现。他们几乎击碎了所对球队前景的质疑 。

火箭的鲶鱼应,谁会是那条鲶鱼呢?持球大核的加入或者找个进攻顾问 、换个投篮助教。问题是不只是杰伦格林表现的差……教练要调整球队的生态,尝试增加轮换、调整战术。不通则要思变 ,没有好的引援就内部挖潜 。


基金A股市场现在开始不天天搞了。 。学会空仓耐心等待 。后面调整低位重仓再猛干。。这样才能做大做强做优做



