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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-09-08 07:52 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Consider...YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a  million, or a billion, or a gazillion...

  You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity1!

  You're amazing! You're awesome2! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue3 of the aging process.

  Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally4 devour5 life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

  Paint a Masterpiece.

  God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you.

  试想一下……你!一个空前绝后的你 ,不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你一模一样的人 。你在历史上和宇宙中都是独一无二的。哇!想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一 、兆里挑一的。


  你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错 ,就是你 。你已经是了不起的 ,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起 。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽 ”。

  真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱 。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学 ,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切 。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧!

  上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里 ,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己 。

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1 infinity     
n.无限,无穷 ,大量
  • It is impossible to count up to infinity.不可能数到无穷大。
  • Theoretically,a line can extend into infinity.从理论上来说直线可以无限地延伸。
2 awesome     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力 。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
3 virtue     
n.德行 ,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力
  • He was considered to be a paragon of virtue.他被认为是品德尽善尽美的典范。
  • You need to decorate your mind with virtue.你应该用德行美化心灵。
4 intentionally     
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的 。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所 ,因此没有资格再获得提供住房 。
5 devour     
v.吞没;贪婪地注视或谛听 ,贪读;使着迷
  • Larger fish devour the smaller ones.大鱼吃小鱼。
  • Beauty is but a flower which wrinkle will devour.美只不过是一朵,终会被皱纹所吞噬。
上一篇: 美丽的微笑与爱心 下一篇: 生活的忠告
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