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  美国天后蕾哈娜获得了由哈佛大学颁发的“2017年人道主义奖 ” ,并在哈佛大学发表演讲 。,  So I made it to Harvard. Never thought I’d be able to say that in my life, but it feels good. Thank you, Dr1. Counter2 , thank you to the Harvard Foundation3 , and thank you, Harvard University for this great honour. Thank you.,  所以,我终于踏进了哈佛。从来没有想过我能够在有生之年说这句话 ,但是这种感觉很好。谢谢你,康特博士,谢谢哈佛基金会 ,谢谢哈佛大学这一殊荣 。谢谢你们 。,  When I was five or six years old, I remember watching TV and I would see these commercials4 and I was watching other children suffer in other parts of the world and you know the commercials were [like], ‘you can give 25 cents , save a child’s life,’ you know? And I would think to myself like, I wonder how many 25 cents I could save up to save all the kids in Africa. And I would say to myself you know , ‘when I grow up, when I can get rich, I’mma save kids all over the world.’ I just didn’t know I would be in the position to do that by the time I was a teenager.,  我在五六岁的时候 ,我记得看电视我会看这些公益广告 ,我看到世界其它地方的其他孩子们忍受折磨,你知道公益广告就是‘如果你献出25分钱,那么就可以拯救一个孩子的生命 ,’你知道吗?我会自己这样想,我想我能够存下多少25分钱来拯救非洲的所有孩子。你知道,我会对自己说 ,“当我长大时,我富裕了,我要拯救全世界的孩子。”我不知道我在十几岁的时候就这样做了 。,  At 17 I started my career here in America , and by the age of 18, I started my first charity5 organization. I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years and met, helped , and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, from six-year-old Jasmina Anema who passed away in 2010 from leukemia, her story inspired thousands to volunteer as donors6 through DKMS. Fast forward to 2012 and then my grandmother , the late Clara Brathwaite , she lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation. We’re all human. And we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance in education , a chance at a future, really. And at CLF, our mission7 is to impact8 as many lives as possible , but it starts with just one. Just one.,  17岁的时候,我在美国开始了自己的事业,18岁的时候 ,我成立了自己的首个慈善机构。在接下来几年里,我继续与其它组织合作,我们遇见、帮助 ,甚至是失去过一些最为美丽的灵魂,于2010年因白血病去世的六岁的亚斯米娜-阿讷玛——她的故事激发了数千人通过DKMS成为捐赠志愿者。很快到了2012年,随后我的祖母——已故的克拉拉-布拉斯维特——在与癌症的战斗中败下阵来 ,这是克拉拉-莱昂内尔基金会成立的理由以及动力 。我们都是人。我们都想有个机会:一个生活的机会 ,一个接受教育的机会,一个把握未来的机会,真的。在克拉拉-莱昂内尔基金会 ,我们的使命就是尽可能地影响他人,但是刚开始仅仅是帮助一个人 。只有一个人。,  美国天后蕾哈娜哈佛大学演讲,  As I stare out into this beautiful room, I see optimism9 , I see hope, I see the future. I know that each and every one of you has the opportunity to help someone else. All you need to do is help one person, expecting nothing in return. To me , that is a humanitarian10.,  当我环顾这间漂亮的房间,我看到了乐观 、希望和未来。我知道你们每一个人都有机会去帮助他人 。你们需要做的就是不图回报地去帮助一个人。对我而言,这就是人道主义者。,  People make it seem way too hard , man. The truth is, and what I want the little girl watching those commercials to know, is you don’t have to be rich to be a humanitarian. You don’t have to be rich to help somebody. You don’t gotta be famous. You don’t even have to be college-educated. I mean , I wish I was , I’m not saying, you know… Especially today. It’s true, I might come back , but all right.,  人们把这个弄得看起来太难了 。事实上,我希望看到那些公益广告的小女孩知道的是,成为一个人道主义者 ,你不一定要有多富有 。帮助别人不一定得腰缠万贯。你不必声名远播,甚至不必接受过大学教育。我的意思是,我希望我是 ,我不是说,你知道……尤其是今天 。是的,我说不定还会回来念书呢。,  But it starts with your neighbour , the person right next to you, the person sitting next to you in class, the kid down the block in your neighbourhood , you just do whatever you can to help in any way that you can. And today I want to challenge11 each of you to make a commitment12 to help one person: one organization , one situation that touches your heart. My grandmother always used to say, ‘If you’ve got a dollar, there’s plenty to share.’ Thank you ladies and gentlemen. It was my honour.,  帮助别人始于从你的身边人做起 ,现在正在你旁边的人,教室里坐在你旁边的人,家附近邻居的孩子 ,你可以尽你所能用一切方法去帮助他们。今天,我希望你们每一个人承诺帮助一个人,一个组织 ,一个感动你内心的场合 。我的祖母过去常说,“如果你有一美元,那么你就有很多东西来分享。”女士们、先生们 ,谢谢你们。这是我的荣耀 。,

