- 指点迷津
- 2024-11-29
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当地时间2016年5月18日 ,英国伦敦,英国女王伊丽莎白二世出席新一届议会开幕仪式,公布新政府施政与立法计划。, Her Majesty’s most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament at the State Opening of Parliament 2016., 2016两院议会开幕 ,女王陛下向议会两院致以最亲切讲话 。, My Lords and Members of the House of Commons., 各位上下议院的议员们:, My government will use the opportunity of a strengthening economy to deliver security for working people, to increase life chances for the most disadvantaged and to strengthen national defences., 政府将利用经济增长的机遇保障劳动者安全,为绝大多数的弱势群体增加生存机会并增强我国的国防力量。, My ministers will continue to bring the public finances under control so that Britain lives within its means, and to move to a higher wage and lower welfare economy where work is rewarded., 各部长将继续把控公共财政,以确保国家量入为出;提高工资水平 ,减少福利经济,确保所有工作得到应有回报。, To support the economic recovery, and to create jobs and more apprenticeships, legislation will be introduced to ensure Britain has the infrastructure1 that businesses need to grow., 为支持经济复苏、创造更多的工作机会与学徒岗位,(政府)将立法以确保经济发展需求下 ,英国的基础设施建设 。, Measures will be brought forward to create the right for every household to access high speed broadband., 政府将会采取措施,为每户家庭提供接入高速宽带的机会。, Legislation will be introduced to improve Britain’s competitiveness and make the United Kingdom a world leader in the digital economy., 政府将立法提升国家竞争力,使英国成为数字经济时代的世界领先者。, 女王演讲, My ministers will ensure the United Kingdom is at the forefront of technology for new forms of transport, including autonomous2 and electric vehicles., 各部长将确保英国在自动与电动交通工具等新型交通运输领域走在科技前沿 。, To spread economic prosperity, my government will continue to support the development of a Northern Powerhouse., 为实现共同的经济繁荣,政府将继续支持“英国北部振兴计划 ”的发展。, In England, further powers will be devolved to directly elected mayors, including powers governing local bus services., 在英格兰 ,更多权力将直接下放给当选市长,包括当地公共交通服务的管理权。, Legislation will also allow local authorities to retain business rates, giving them more freedom to invest in local communities., 立法将允许地方政府保留商业税,在投资当地社区方面给予他们更多自由 。, My government will support aspiration3 and promote home ownership through its commitment to build a million new homes., 政府将通过承诺兴建100万套新住房的方式 ,支持民众的购房愿望并推动民众购房。, Following last week's Anti-Corruption4 Summit in London, legislation will be introduced to tackle corruption, money laundering5 and tax evasion6., 根据上周在伦敦举办的国际反腐峰会,政府将立法解决腐败 、洗钱与逃税问题。, My government will continue work to deliver NHS services over 7 days of the week in England. Legislation will be introduced to ensure that overseas visitors pay for the health treatment they receive at public expense., 政府将继续努力确保国民医疗服务体系每天都能在英格兰有效运行。政府还将立法确保海外游客自付他们从公费医疗服务中获得的医疗服务费用 。, New legislation will be introduced to tackle some of the deepest social problems in society, and improve life chances., 政府将设立新法解决最深层次的社会问题,改善人民生活机会。, A Bill will be introduced to ensure that children can be adopted by new families without delay, improve the standard of social work and opportunities for young people in care in England., 政府将出台新法案 ,确保孤儿能及时被新的家庭收养,提高社会工作水准,并提高英格兰监护期内的年轻人获得社工关怀的机会。