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  and as we know,  众所周知,  one of the key elements of partnership1 is openness and Trust开放和互信是合作最关键的要素,  being open to working together,  对 合作 开放大门,  open to new ideas,  对 新观念 开放大门,  open to new solutions,  对新解决方案开放大门,  we have seen China continue to change and evolve我们看到了中国不断的改革和发展,  and we are grateful and apple that you have opened your doors to us我们感谢中国的大门能对苹果开放,  and allowed us to be part of the community here允许我们成为这里的一分子,  we encourage China to continue to open up我们希望中国能继续开放,  we see that as essential,  我们认为开放是极其重要的,  not only for China to reach its full potential不仅仅因为开放才能充分挖掘出中国的潜力,  but for the global economy to thrive,  还因为开放才能保持全球经济的繁荣,  for me that brings to mind something that one of my heroes in life --Martin Luther King这让我想起我的一位精神领袖----马丁·路德·金once said,  他曾说,  “we are tied in a single garment of destiny  ”,  我们的命运紧紧连在一起,  he said:“ whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly”,  他说:任何直接影响到个体的东西都会间接影响到整体in other words our futures2 are inextricably linked we are all bound by our common humanity换言之 ,共同的人性如同纽带般将我们的将来密不可分地连在一起了our future therefore depends on collaboration3 on因此,我们的未来取决于合作,  recognizing as dr. King said that we are all tied in a single garment正如马丁·路德·金所说的,我们是命运的共同体working together in that spirit we can make tremendous progress本着这种精神一起合作 ,我们才可以取得巨大的进步working together there is no limit to what we can achieve一起合作,那就没有我们达不到的成就,  thank you very much,  非常感谢!,

