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Chapter 16,There was a pause. Then clearing his throat with a slightly affected 1 sound, Poirot went on:,‘We have now solved the mystery of what I might term the second hypodermic. That belongedto Mrs Lennox Boynton, was taken by Raymond Boynton before leaving Jerusalem, was takenfrom Raymond by Carol after the discovery of Mrs Boynton’s dead body, was thrown away byher, found by Miss Pierce, and claimed by Miss King as hers. I presume Miss King has it now.’,‘I have,’ said Sarah.,‘So that when you said it was yours just now, you were doing what you told us you do not do—you told a lie.’,Sarah said calmly: ‘That’s a different kind of lie. It isn’t—it isn’t a professional lie.’,‘Yes, it is a point that. I understand you perfectly 3, mademoiselle.’,‘Thanks,’ said Sarah.,Again Poirot cleared his throat.,‘Let us now review our time-table. Thus:,Boyntons and Jefferson Cope leave the camp 3.5 (approx.)Dr Gerard and Sarah King leave the camp 3.15 (approx.)Lady Westholme and Miss Pierce leave the,His manners are affected.他的态度不自然。,I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意 。

