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Twenty-seven,VISIT OF DR. DONALDSON,Donaldson arrived punctually at two o’clock. He was as calm and precise as ever.,The personality of Donaldson had begun to intrigue 1 me. I had started by regarding him as arather nondescript young man. I had wondered what a vivid, compelling creature like Theresacould see in him. But I now began to realize that Donaldson was anything but negligible. Behindthat pedantic 2 manner there was force.,After our preliminary greetings were over, Donaldson said:,“The reason for my visit is this. I am at a loss to understand exactly what your position is in thismatter, M. Poirot? ”,“You know my profession, I think? ”,“Certainly. I may say that I have taken the trouble to make inquiries 3 about you.”,“You are a careful man, doctor.”,Donaldson said drily:,“I like to be sure of my facts. ”,The royal palace was filled with intrigue.皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。,He is learned,but neither stuffy nor pedantic.他很博学,但既不妄自尊大也不卖弄学问 。

