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ABC谋杀案 40

II,I must mention a visit we had from Mr. Alexander Bonaparte Cust a few days later. Afterwringing Poirot’s hand and endeavouring very incoherently and unsuccessfully to thank him, Mr.,Cust drew himself up and said:,“Do you know, a newspaper has actually offered me a hundred pounds—a hundred pounds—for a brief account of my life and history—I—I really don’t know what to do about it.”,“I should not accept a hundred, ” said Poirot. “Be firm. Say five hundred is your price. And donot confine yourself to one newspaper.”,“Do you really think—that I might—”,Mr. Cust drew himself up still further. A beam of delight irradiated his face.,“Do you know, I believe you’re right! Famous! In all the papers. I shall take your advice, M.,Poirot. The money will be most agreeable—most agreeable. I shall have a little holiday…And thenI want to give a nice wedding present to Lily Marbury—a dear girl—really a dear girl, M. Poirot. ”,Poirot patted him encouragingly on the shoulder.,“You are quite right. Enjoy yourself. And—just a little word—what about a visit to an oculist 1?,If your eyes are infected,you must go to an oculist.如果你的眼睛受到感染 ,就要去看眼科医生 。,Some people disdain labour.有些人轻视劳动。


ABC谋杀案 40

无人生还 3
