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ABC谋杀案 29

Twenty-six,NOT FROM CAPTAIN HASTINGS’ PERSONAL NARRATIVEInspector Crome was listening to the excited utterances of Mr. Leadbetter.,“I assure you, inspector, my heart misses a beat when I think of it. He must actually have beensitting beside me all through the programme!”,Inspector Crome, completely indifferent to the behaviour of Mr. Leadbetter’s heart, said:,“Just let me have it quite clear? This man went out towards the close of the big picture— ”,“Not a Sparrow—Katherine Royal,” murmured Mr. Leadbetter automatically.,“He pretended to stumble, I see it now. Then he leaned over the seat in front to pick up his hat.,He must have stabbed the poor fellow then.”,“You didn’t hear anything? A cry? Or a groan? ”,Mr. Leadbetter had heard nothing but the loud, hoarse accents of Katherine Royal, but in thevividness of his imagination he invented a groan.,Inspector Crome took the groan at its face value and bade him proceed.,


ABC谋杀案 26

ABC谋杀案 31