Twenty-three,I GO
1,The funeral was, I thought, a very affecting affair. As well as ourselves, all the English people inHassanieh attended it. Even Sheila Reilly was there, looking quiet and
2 in a dark coat andskirt. I hoped that she was feeling a little
3 for all the unkind things she had said.,When we got back to the house I followed Dr.?Leidner into the office and
5 thesubject of my departure. He was very nice about it, thanked me for what I had done (Done! I hadbeen worse than useless) and insisted on my accepting an extra week’s salary.,I protested because really I felt I’d done nothing to earn it.,“Indeed, Dr.?Leidner, I’d rather not have any salary at all. If you’ll just
6 me mytravelling expenses, that’s all I want. ”,“You see,” I said, “I don’t feel I deserve it, Dr.?Leidner. I mean, I’ve—well, I’ve failed. She—my coming didn’t save her.”,“Now don’t get that idea into your head, nurse, ” he said earnestly. “After all, I didn’t engageyou as a female detective. I never dreamt my wife’s life was in danger. I was convinced it was allnerves and that she’d worked herself up into a rather curious mental state. You did all anyonecould do. She liked and trusted you. And I think in her last days she felt happier and safer becauseof your being here. There’s nothing for you to reproach yourself with.”,His voice quivered a little and I knew what he was thinking. He was the one to blame for nothaving taken Mrs.?Leidner’s fears seriously.,“Dr.?Leidner,” I said
7. “Have you ever come to any conclusion about thoseanonymous letters? ”,He said with a sigh: “I don’t know what to believe. Has M.?Poirot come to any definiteconclusion?”,She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future.她自称有特异功能,能预知未来。,He seemed a bit subdued to me. 我觉得他当时有点闷闷不乐 。