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古墓之谜 15

Fourteen,ONE OF US?,There was a little pause—and in it a wave of horror seemed to float round the room.,I think it was at that moment that I first believed Dr.?Reilly’s theory to be right.,I felt that the murderer was in the room. Sitting with us—listening. One of us .?.?.,Perhaps Mrs.?Mercado felt it too. For she suddenly gave a short sharp cry.,“Courage, Marie,” said her husband.,He looked at us apologetically.,“She is so sensitive. She feels things so much. ”,“I—I was so fond of Louise, ” sobbed Mrs.?Mercado.,I don’t know whether something of what I felt showed in my face, but I suddenly found thatMr.?Poirot was looking at me, and that a slight smile hovered 2 on his lips.,She sobbed out the sad story of her son's death. 她哽咽着诉说她儿子死去的悲惨经过。,A hawk hovered over the hill. 一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔 。


古墓之谜 14

古墓之谜 16