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古墓之谜 5

Four,I ARRIVE IN HASSANIEH,Three days later I left Baghdad.,I was sorry to leave Mrs.?Kelsey and the baby, who was a little love and was thrivingsplendidly, gaining her proper number of ounces every week. Major Kelsey took me to the stationand saw me off. I should arrive at Kirkuk the following morning, and there someone was to meetme.,I slept badly, I never sleep very well in a train and I was troubled by dreams. The nextmorning, however, when I looked out of the window it was a lovely day and I felt interested andcurious about the people I was going to see.,As I stood on the platform hesitating and looking about me I saw a young man comingtowards me. He had a round pink face, and really, in all my life, I have never seen anyone whoseemed so exactly like a young man out of one of Mr.?P.?G.?Wodehouse’s books.,There was what I heard called later a station wagon 2 waiting outside. It was a little like awagonette, a little like a lorry and a little like a car. Mr.?Coleman helped me in, explaining that Ihad better sit next to the driver so as to get less jolting 3.,Jolting! I wonder the whole contraption didn’t fall to pieces! And nothing like a road—just asort of track all ruts and holes. Glorious East indeed! When I thought of our splendid arterial roadsin England it made me quite homesick.,Mr.?Coleman leaned forward from his seat behind me and yelled in my ear a good deal.,“Track’s in pretty good condition,” he shouted just after we had been thrown up in our seatstill we nearly touched the roof.,And apparently 4 he was speaking quite seriously.,I've been feeling awfully bad about it.对这我一直感到很难受。,We have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去 。


古墓之谜 3

古墓之谜 7