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古墓之谜 2

One,FRONTISPIECE,In the hall of the Tigris Palace Hotel in Baghdad a hospital nurse was finishing a letter. Herfountain pen drove briskly over the paper.,.?.?. Well, dear, I think that’s really all my news. I must say it’s been nice to see abit of the world—though England for me every time, thank you. The dirt and themess in Baghdad you wouldn’t believe—and not romantic at all like you’d thinkfrom the Arabian Nights! Of course, it’s pretty just on the river, but the town itselfis just awful—and no proper shops at all. Major Kelsey took me through thebazaars, and of course there’s no denying they’re quaint 1 — but just a lot ofrubbish and hammering away at copper 2 pans till they make your headache—andnot what I’d like to use myself unless I was sure about the cleaning. You’ve got tobe so careful of verdigris 3 with copper pans.,I’ll write and let you know if anything comes of the job that Dr.?Reilly spokeabout. He said this American gentleman was in Baghdad now and might comeand see me this afternoon. It’s for his wife—she has “fancies, ” so Dr.?Reilly said.,He didn’t say any more than that, and of course, dear, one knows what thatusually means (but I hope not actually D.T.s!). Of course, Dr.?Reilly didn’t sayanything—but he had a look—if you know what I mean. This Dr.?Leidner is anarchaeologist and is digging up a mound 4 out in the desert somewhere for someAmerican museum.,No more now.,Yours ever,,Amy Leatheran,Enclosing the letter in an envelope, she addressed it to Sister Curshaw, St. Christopher’sHospital, London.,As she put the cap on her fountain pen, one of the native boys approached her.,They still keep some quaint old customs.他们仍然保留着一些稀奇古怪的旧风俗 。,The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。


底牌 34

古墓之谜 4