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底牌 25

Twenty-three,THE EVIDENCE OF A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS,As Superintendent 1 Battle’s train rushed eastwards 2 through England, Anne Meredith and RhodaDawes were in Hercule Poirot’s sitting room.,Anne had been unwilling 3 to accept the invitation that had reached her by the morning’s post, butRhoda’s counsel had prevailed.,“Anne—you’re a coward—yes, a coward. It’s no good going on being an ostrich 4, burying yourhead in the sand. There’s been a murder and you’re one of the suspects—the least likely oneperhaps—”,“That would be the worst,” said Anne with a touch of humour. “It’s always the least likelyperson who did it. ”,“It is nothing to do with me,” Anne persisted. “I mean, I’m quite willing to answer anyquestions the police want to ask me, but this man, this Hercule Poirot, he’s an outsider.”,“And what will he think if you hedge and try to get out of it? He’ll think you’re bursting withguilt. ”,“I’m certainly not bursting with guilt,” said Anne coldly.,“Darling, I know that. You couldn’t murder anybody if you tried. But horrible suspiciousforeigners don’t know that. I think we ought to go nicely to his house. Otherwise he’ll come downhere and try to worm things out of the servants.”,“We haven’t got any servants. ”,He decided to call the superintendent of the building.他决定给楼房管理员打电话。,The current sets strongly eastwards.急流迅猛东去。


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