Lord Edgware Dies人性记录25
- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-29
- 12
Chapter 25, A Luncheon Party,It was, I think, on the day after that that we went to the Widburns’ luncheon party at Claridge’s.,Neither Poirot nor I were particularly anxious to go. It was, as a matter of fact, about the sixth invitation we had received. Mrs Widburn was a persistent woman and she liked celebrities. Undaunted by refusals, she finally offered such a choice of dates that capitulation was inevitable. Under those circumstances the sooner we went and got it over the better.,Poirot had been very uncommunicative ever since the news from Paris.,To my remarks on the subject he returned always the same answer.,And once or twice he murmured to himself.,‘Pince-nez. Pince-nez in Paris.,Pince-nez in Carlotta Adams’ bag.’,I really felt glad of the luncheon party as a means of distraction.,Young Donald Ross was there and came up and greeted me cheerily. There were more men than women and he was put next to me at table.,