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Lord Edgware Dies人性记录09

Chapter 9, The Second Death,Though I did not understand the reason for Poirot’s agitation, I knew him well enough to be sure that he had a reason for it.,We arrived at Rosedew Mansions, Poirot sprang out, paid the driver and hurried into the building. Miss Adams’ flat was on the first floor, as a visiting-card stuck on a board informed us.,Poirot hurried up the stairs, not waiting to summon the lift which was at one of the upper floors.,He knocked and rang. There was a short delay, then the door was opened by a neat middle-aged woman with hair drawn tightly back from her face. Her eyelids were reddened as though with weeping.,The woman looked at him.,‘Haven’t you heard?’,‘Heard? Heard what?’,His face had gone deadly pale, and I realized that this, whatever it was, was what he had feared.,The woman continued slowly to shake her head.,
