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少年派的奇幻漂流 Chapter 85

Chapter 85,Once there was lightning. The sky was so black, day looked like night. The downpour was heavy. I heard thunder far away. I thought it would stay at that. But a wind came up, throwing the rain this way and that. Right after, a white splinter came crashing down from the sky, puncturing 1 the water. It was some distance from the lifeboat, but the effect was perfectly 2 visible. The water was shot through with what looked like white roots; briefly 3, a great celestial 4 tree stood in the ocean. I had never imagined such a thing possible, lightning striking the sea. The clap of thunder was tremendous. The flash of light was incredibly vivid.,I turned to Richard Parker and said, "Look, Richard Parker, a bolt of lightning." I saw how he felt about it. He was flat on the floor of the boat, limbs splayed and visibly trembling.,The effect on me was completely the opposite. It was something to pull me out of my limited mortal ways and thrust me into a state of exalted 5 wonder.,Suddenly a bolt struck much closer. Perhaps it was meant for us: we had just fallen off the crest 6 of a swell 7 and were sinking down its back when its top was hit. There was an explosion of hot air and hot water. For two, perhaps three seconds, a gigantic, blinding white shard 8 of glass from a broken cosmic window danced in the sky, insubstantial yet overwhelmingly powerful. Ten thousand trumpets 9 and twenty thousand drums could not have made as much noise as that bolt of lightning; it was positively 10 deafening 11. The sea turned white and all colour disappeared. Everything was either pure white light or pure black shadow. The light did not seem to illuminate 12 so much as to penetrate 13. As quickly as it had appeared, the bolt vanished - the spray of hot water had not finished landing upon us and already it was gone. The punished swell returned to black and rolled on indifferently.,I was dazed, thunderstruck - nearly in the true sense of the word. But not afraid.,At moments of wonder, it is easy to avoid small thinking, to entertain thoughts that span the universe, that capture both thunder and tinkle 18, thick and thin, the near and the far.

    有一次,闪电了。天那么暗 ,白天就像黑夜 。大雨倾盆 。我听见远处有雷声。我以为这样的天气状况会一直持续下去。但是起了一阵风 ,风把雨吹得一会儿飘向这边,一会儿飘向那边 。紧接着,一道白色锯齿状闪电哗啦啦地从天空直冲下来 ,刺穿了水面。闪电离船还有段距离,但是那效果却可以看得非常清楚。海水仿佛被像是白色根须的东西射穿了;一瞬间,一株巨大的天树立在了大洋中 。我从没有想过可能会发生这样的事 ,闪电击中了大海。雷声发出轰隆隆的巨响。闪电的光异常强烈 。
    我转身对理查德·帕克说:“看,理查德·帕克,一道闪电。"我能看出他的感受。他紧贴船板趴着 ,四肢张开,显然在颤抖 。闪电对我的影响却截然相反。它把我从有限的平凡之中拉了出来,猛地将我推进了兴奋和惊奇的状态之中。突然 ,离我们更近的地方出现了一道闪电 。也许这道闪电本来是要击中我们的:我们刚从一排长浪的浪尖上跌落下来,正在浪背面沉下丢,这时浪尖被击中了 。有两秒 ,也许是三秒种的时间 ,碎裂的宇宙之窗上一块巨大的白得耀眼的碎玻璃在天空中舞动,并不坚固,但异常有力。一万只喇叭和两万面鼓发出的声音也不会有那道闪电发出的声音大;那声音震耳欲聋。大海变成了白色 ,所有的色彩都消失了 。一切不是纯粹白色的光,就是纯粹黑色的影子。与其说光照亮了一切,不如说穿透了一切。闪电来得快 ,去得也快——热乎乎的海水的飞沫还没来得及落到我们身上,闪电就已经消失了 。被惩罚的长浪恢复了黑色,继续满不在乎地翻卷着。
    我眼花缭乱 ,仿佛被雷击中一样呆若木鸡——我差点儿真的被雷击中了。但是我没有害怕 。“赞美安拉吧。他是所有世界的统治者,仁慈的 、宽大的最终审判日的主宰。 ”我喃喃低语 。我对理查德·帕克叫道:“别抖了!这是奇迹。这是神威的爆发,这是……这是…… ”我找不出词来形容这是什么 ,这个如此巨大,如此奇异的东西。我喘不过气来,也说不出话来 。我躺回到油布上 ,伸展开胳膊和腿 。雨水冷入骨髓。但我却在微笑。在我的记忆中 ,那次差点儿触电并被三度烧伤是我的苦难遭遇中极少几次让我真正感到快乐的经历之一 。
    在惊奇的时刻,很容易避免一些不重要的想法,而是心存跨越宇宙的思想。这思想将雷鸣声与丁当声 、厚密与稀薄、近处与远处的一切都包容在内。
,Purpose:Re-modifying the method of DSA puncturing arteria cerebri through arteria carotis communis. 目的 :对经颈总动脉穿刺行脑动脉DSA的方法进行再次改良 。 来自互联网,The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
