福尔摩斯-王冠宝石案 The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone
- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-29
- 9
The Adventure Of The Mazarin Stone,Arthur Conan Doyle,It was pleasant to Dr. Watson to find himself once more in the untidy room of the first floor in
1 Street which had been the starting-point of so many
2 adventures. He looked round him at the scientific charts upon the wall, the acid-charred bench of chemicals, the violin-case leaning in the corner, the coal-scuttle, which contained of old the pipes and tobacco. Finally, his eyes came round to the fresh and smiling face of Billy, the young but very wise and tactful page, who had helped a little to fill up the gap of loneliness and
3 which surrounded the
4 figure of the great detective.,“It all seems very unchanged, Billy. You don't change, either. I hope the same can be said of him? ”,Billy glanced with some
5 at the closed door of the bedroom.,“I think he's in bed and asleep,” he said.,“That means a case, I suppose?”,“Yes, sir, he is very hard at it just now. I'm frightened for his health. He gets paler and thinner, and he eats nothing. ‘When will you be pleased to dine, Mr. Holmes?’ Mrs. Hudson asked. ‘Seven-thirty, the day after to-morrow,’ said he. You know his way when he is keen on a case. ”,“Yes, Billy, I know.”,“He's following someone. Yesterday he was out as a workman looking for a job. To-day he was an old woman. Fairly took me in, he did, and I ought to know his ways by now.” Billy
7 with a grin to a very
8 parasol which leaned against the sofa. “That's part of the old woman's outfit, ” he said.,“But what is it all about, Billy?”,The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.面包师在蛋糕上撒了一层白糖和蛋清的混合料 。,She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
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