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Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 2

Stratton suddenly turned his back and stared blankly through the open door. With the same unconscious instinct which had moved him to conceal 1 his face from the old man, he fumbled 2 in one pocket and drew forth 3 papers and tobacco sack. It spoke 4 well for his self-control that his fingers were almost steady as he deliberately 5 fashioned a cigarette and thrust it between his lips. When he had lighted it and inhaled 6 a puff 7 or two, he turned slowly to Pop Daggett again., ,"You sure know how to shoot a surprise into a fellow, old-timer," he drawled. "A woman rancher, eh? That's going some around this country, I'll say. How long has she--er--owned the Shoe-Bar?", ,"Only since her pa died about four months back." Pop Daggett assumed an easier pose; his tone had softened 9 to one of garrulous 10 satisfaction at having a new listener to a tale he had worn threadbare. "It's consid'able of a story, but if yuh ain't pressed for time--", , ,Daggett's small, faded blue eyes regarded him curiously 12., ,"Did yuh ever meet up with this here Stratton?" he asked abruptly 13., ,He could hardly conceal his joy at his departure.他几乎掩饰不住临行时的喜悦。,She fumbled in her pocket for a handkerchief. 她在她口袋里胡乱摸找手帕。

