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Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 20

"NEARLY twenty years since I set out to seek my fortune. It has been a long search, but I think I have found it at last. I only asked to be a useful, happy woman, and my wish is granted: for, I believe I am useful; I know I am happy.", ,Christie looked so as she sat alone in the flowery parlor 1 one September afternoon, thinking over her life with a grateful, cheerful spirit. Forty to-day, and pausing at that half-way house between youth and age, she looked back into the past without bitter regret or unsubmissive grief, and forward into the future with courageous 2 patience; for three good angels attended her, and with faith, hope, and charity to brighten life, no woman need lament 3 lost youth or fear approaching age. Christie did not, and though her eyes filled with quiet tears as they were raised to the faded cap and sheathed 4 sword hanging on the wall, none fell; and in a moment tender sorrow changed to still tenderer joy as her glance wandered to rosy 6 little Ruth playing hospital with her dollies in the porch. Then they shone with genuine satisfaction as they went from the letters and papers on her table to the garden, where several young women were at work with a healthful color in the cheeks that had been very pale and thin in the spring., ,"I think David is satisfied with me; for I have given all my heart and strength to his work, and it prospers 7 well," she said to herself, and then her face grew thoughtful, as she recalled a late event which seemed to have opened a new field of labor 8 for her if she chose to enter it., , ,There were speeches of course, and of the most unparliamentary sort, for the meeting was composed almost entirely 9 of women, each eager to tell her special grievance 10 or theory. Any one who chose got up and spoke 11; and whether wisely or foolishly each proved how great was the ferment 12 now going on, and how difficult it was for the two classes to meet and help one another in spite of the utmost need on one side and the sincerest good-will on the other. The workers poured out their wrongs and hardships passionately 13 or plaintively 14, demanding or imploring 15 justice, sympathy, and help; displaying the ignorance, incapacity, and prejudice, which make their need all the more pitiful, their relief all the more imperative 16., ,The ladies did their part with kindliness 17, patience, and often unconscious condescension 18, showing in their turn how little they knew of the real trials of the women whom they longed to serve, how very narrow a sphere of usefulness they were fitted for in spite of culture and intelligence, and how rich they were in generous theories, how poor in practical methods of relief., ,Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood?附近有没有比萨店?,We all honour courageous people.我们都尊重勇敢的人。
