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Rose In Bloom - Chapter 19

Two days after Christmas a young man of serious aspect might have been seen entering one of the large churches at L - - . Being shown to a seat, he joined in the services with praiseworthy devotion, especially the music, to which he listened with such evident pleasure that a gentleman who sat nearby felt moved to address this appreciative 1 stranger after church., ,"Fine sermon today. Ever heard our minister before, sir?" he began, as they went down the aisle 2 together among the last, for the young man had lingered as if admiring the ancient building., ,"Very fine. No, sir, I have never had that pleasure. I've often wished to see this old place, and am not at all disappointed. Your choir 3, too, is unusually good," answered the stranger, glancing up at several bonnets 4 bobbing about behind the half-drawn curtains above., , ,"Who is the contralto? That solo was beautifully sung," observed the younger man, pausing to read a tablet on the wall., ,"That is Miss Moore. Been here about a year, and is universally admired. Excellent young lady couldn't do without her. Sings superbly in oratorios 8. Ever heard her?", ,We are very appreciative of their support in this respect.我们十分感谢他们在这方面的支持。,The aisle was crammed with people.过道上挤满了人 。
