Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 5
- 24小时月刊
- 2024-11-29
- 8
Oliver, being left to himself in the undertaker's shop, set the lamp down on a workman's bench, and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of
1 and
2, which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to understand., ,An unfinished
3 on black tressels, which stood in the middle of the shop, looked so gloomy and death-like that a cold tremble came over him, every time his eyes wandered in the direction of the
4 object: from which he almost expected to see some
5 form slowly rear its head, to drive him mad with terror., ,Against the wall were ranged, in regular array, a long row of elm boards cut in the same shape: looking in the dim light, like high-shouldered ghosts with their hands in their breeches pockets. Coffin-plates, elm-chips, bright-headed nails, and
6 of black cloth, lay
7 on the floor; and the wall behind the counter was
8 with a lively representation of two mutes in very stiff neckcloths, on duty at a large private door, with a hearse
9 by four black steeds, approaching in the distance. The shop was close and hot., , ,The
12 beneath the counter in which his flock
13 was thrust, looked like a grave. Nor were these the only dismal feelings which
14 Oliver. He was alone in a strange place; and we all know how chilled and
15 the best of us will sometimes feel in such a situation. The boy had no friends to care for, or to care for him., ,The regret of no recent separation was fresh in his mind; the absence of no loved and well-remembered face sank heavily into his heart. But his heart was heavy, notwithstanding; and he wished, as he crept into his narrow bed, that that were his coffin, and that he could be lain in a calm and
16 sleep in the churchyard ground, with the tall grass waving gently above his head, and the sound of the old deep bell to
17 him in his sleep. Oliver was
18 in the morning, by a loud kicking at the outside of the shop-door: which, before he could
19 on his clothes, was repeated, in an angry and impetuous manner, about twenty-five times., ,The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.正在逼近的龙卷风使我们惊恐万分。,We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办 。