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American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 17

In connection with the automobile 1 ride suggested and arranged for the following Sunday by Hegglund through his chauffeur 2 friend, a change of plan was announced. The car -- an expensive Packard, no less -- could not be hadfor that day, but must be used by this Thursday or Friday, or not at all. For, as had been previously 3 explained toall, but not with the strictest adherence 4 to the truth, the car belonged to a certain Mr. Kimbark, an elderly andvery wealthy man who at the time was traveling in Asia. Also, what was not true was that this particular youthwas not Mr. Kimbark's chauffeur at all, but rather the rakish, ne'er-do-well son of Sparser 5, the superintendent 6 ofone of Mr. Kimbark's stock farms. This son being anxious to pose as something more than the son of asuperintendent of a farm, and as an occasional watchman, having access to the cars, had decided 7 to take the veryfinest of them and ride in it., ,It was Hegglund who proposed that he and his hotel friends be included on some interesting trip. But since the general invitation had been given, word had come that within the next few weeks Mr. Kimbark was likely toreturn. And because of this, Willard Sparser had decided at once that it might be best not to use the car any more., ,He might be taken unawares, perhaps, by Mr. Kimbark's unexpected arrival. Laying this difficulty before Hegglund, who was eager for the trip, the latter had scouted 8 the idea. Why not use it once more anyhow? He hadstirred up the interest of all of his friends in this and now hated to disappoint them. The following Friday,between noon and six o'clock, was fixed 9 upon as the day. And since Hortense had changed in her plans she now decided to accompany Clyde, who had been invited, of course., , ,From thence they would speed via the west Parkway and the Hannibal Bridge north and east to Harlem, NorthKansas City, Minaville and so through Liberty and Moseby to Excelsior Springs. Their chief objective there was a little inn -- the Wigwam -- a mile or two this side of Excelsior which was open the year around. It was really acombination of restaurant and dancing parlor 11 and hotel. A Victrola and Wurlitzer player-piano furnished thenecessary music. Such groups as this were not infrequent, and Hegglund as well as Higby, who had been thereon several occasions, described it as dandy. The food was good and the road to it excellent. There was a littleriver just below it where in the summer time at least there was rowing and fishing. In winter some people skatedwhen there was ice. To be sure, at this time -- January -- the road was heavily packed with snow, but easy to get over, and the scenery fine. There was a little lake, not so far from Excelsior, at this time of year also frozen over,and according to Hegglund, who was always unduly 12 imaginative and high-spirited, they might go there and skate., ,"Will you listen to who's talkin' about skatin' on a trip like this?" commented Ratterer, rather cynically 13, for to hisway of thinking this was no occasion for any such side athletics 14, but for love-making exclusively., ,The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.汽车在路上转弯时放慢了速度。,The chauffeur handed the old lady from the car.这个司机搀扶这个老太太下汽车 。
