Balsora was the capital of a kingdom long
tributary1(支流,附属国) to the caliph. During the time of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid the king of Balsora, who was his cousin, was called Zinebi. Not thinking one
vizir(元老) enough for the administration of his estates he had two, named Khacan and Saouy. , ,Khacan was kind, generous, and liberal, and took pleasure in obliging, as far as in him lay, those who had business with him. Throughout the entire kingdom there was no one who did not
2 and praise him as he deserved. , ,Saouy was quite a different character, and
3 everyone with whom he came in contact; he was always gloomy, and, in spite of his great riches, so miserly that he denied himself even the necessaries of life. What made him particularly
4 was the great
aversion(讨厌的人) he had to Khacan, of whom he never ceased to speak evil to the king. , , ,The king not only declared himself to be of this opinion, but charged Khacan to
6 him a slave who should fulfil all these conditions. Saouy, who had been of the opposite side, and was jealous of the honour done to Khacan, said, "Sire, it will be very difficult to find a slave as
7 as your
8 desires, and, if she is to be found, she will be cheap if she cost less than 10,000 gold pieces." , ,"Saouy," answered the king, "you seem to find that a very great sum. For you it may be so, but not for me." , ,As the largest tributary of Jinsha river,Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources.雅砻江是金沙江的最大支流 ,水力资源十分丰富。,I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.我认为他不值得信赖 。